Rep. Bobby Scott toured our facility and talked to associates and managers about the importance of employment for persons with disabilities and the barriers they face. Rep. Scott has been a supportive congressman of our program for many years.
Celebrate National Disability Awareness Month!
Posted on by Eggleston Marketing
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, a time when we celebrate the powerful impact persons with disabilities make in our community and around the world. It’s hard to believe this reliable, effective workforce has an unemployment rate of approximately 70%. We have known for 62 years the power of this often misunderstood workforce. We invite you to come tour our facilities throughout the month of October. Please contact Carrie Craddock at if you would like to come meet some of our excellent employees! To learn more about the history of NDEAM visit:
Eggleston Receives USAA Grant
Posted on by Eggleston Marketing
Eggleston employees Helene Russell, Paul Atkinson, Tim Giles, Neil McNulty, Paul Atkinson, Jr. and Tom Redmond pose with the new van thanks to a new grant from USAA. Thank you Aubrey Thomas, Deene Bullock, Ray LaSalle and all of our friends at USAA.