Please use these lists as a guide for our January 20, 2025 hours in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. For questions or additional information please call our front desk team at 757-858-8011 or email them at

Thank You!

Brain Injury Services Case Management Expansion

Eggleston’s Brain Injury Services (BIS) program, with funding from the Virginia Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS), is pleased to announce an expansion of case management.

Currently, Eggleston offers three services to brain injury survivors in South Hampton Roads (Norfolk, Portsmouth, Chesapeake, Virginia Beach and Suffolk): Case Management, Virtual Support Groups, and Beacon House which is a clubhouse modeled program. With the expanded service we will now offer case management services to the City of Franklin and Counties of Sussex, Isle of Wight, Southampton, and Greensville.

“Brain injury case management promotes self-advocacy and independence by supporting people with brain injuries in making their own decisions and living their best lives.” – Jamie Peed, MPH, CBIS, Brain Injury Case Manager


Case Management

A Case Manager provides guidance, education, and empowerment by linking individuals with community resources, setting up services, and serving as a liaison with other providers. Examples include:

  • Housing
  • Transportation
  • Employment
  • Healthcare
  • Legal Aid
  • Financial Assistance
  • Socialization
  • And more

“My Case Manager and the support group help me feel like my struggle is not the ending, but something that can be turned around if I work hard enough.” – Donnie, a brain injury survivor

Case management is provided at no cost to the individual. The Case Manager meets with individuals virtually or in-person. Services begin by assessing needs and working together to develop your personal goals.

“My grandson’s Eggleston case manager, Jamie Peed, has guided us through understanding the effects on him and his entire family after his surgery to save his life as a result of his traumatic brain injury. Her knowledge and expertise have opened our eyes to the permanence of his condition and how to get the best care for him.

Jamie Peed has used her intellectual knowledge, counseling expertise and personal encouragement to inform us, guide and comfort us. Our grandson now has in place therapies, Developmental Disability programs and Disability payments because of Eggleston brain injury case management. We are very grateful and would highly recommend Eggleston case management.” – Mary Leonard, caregiver

Support Group

Eggleston hosts a virtual support group for brain injury survivors and support networks. The meeting is held via Zoom on the second Thursday of every month at 6pm. 

For more information please contact:

Joanne Orchant Aceto, Assistant Vice President of Vocational Rehabilitative Services




Jamie Peed, Case Manager, Brain Injury Services
at or (757) 937-5674



About Eggleston: Eggleston is a local, nonprofit whose mission is to support and empower individuals with disabilities in employment, residential and community settings. First conceived by a group of parents seeking meaningful opportunities for their adult children, Eggleston has been serving Hampton Roads for almost 70 years. Today the organization delivers 30 person-centered programs and services to over 1,800 individuals each year. As one of the region’s largest employer of adults with disabilities, Eggleston’s business enterprises include its Automotive Center, Document Destruction, Commercial Landscaping, Garden Center and Farmers Market, and its Government and Business Contract Services. Eggleston also provides a number of rehabilitations programs including five Day Support Programs, In-home and Congregate Residential services, Brain Injury services, Warrior Bridge Veterans services, and Community Engagement services. To learn more visit


Eggleston talks about

What’s New Around the Holidays Season

 on the “Hampton Roads Prospective” show.


In early December Eggleston’s VP of Marketing and Development, Geraldine Eady and the Director of Marketing, Kristen Ricks sat down with 94.9 The Points Mary Katherine Woo woo for the latest episode of Hampton Roads Prospective. We started out by sharing a brief history of how and why Eggleston was started. We shared highlights from fall 2024 events and what we have coming up including Christmas Trees on sale, photos with Santa at the Eggleston Garden Center, and more.

Geraldine talked about end of year giving and other ways to get involved.

Click on the link below to hear the full story.